Reviews — brain fog
Jonell Francis
Acne Meds 2+ Years Created Bloating, Anxiety and Depression
After 2+ years on Accutane for acne, Sydney experienced severe bloating, fatigue, brainfog, anxiety, depression, sleep problems and stubborn weight gain. She shares how it feels to finally find hope and healing for her whole body with Reboot from “Hello everyone, I’m Sydney Larsen. So, around 2 years ago I noticed that I just did not feel good. I just didn’t feel like myself. I was constantly bloated, fatigued. I had brainfog, anxiety and depression. And I had weight gain, couldn’t lose weight no matter what I did. And so, I went to a Naturopath and ended up paying...
Jonell Francis
The Hidden Cause of Your Chronic Anxiety, Bloating, Pain and Fatigue
This is actually brilliant. A broad array of uncomfortable symptoms from bloating and gas, to joint pain, inflamed skin, headaches, depression, anxiety, brainfog and fatigue all stem from a gut that’s become too permeable. Doctor Carol Petherbridge in Klamath Falls Oregon has been helping her patients win the day over gut linked disease for years with The Reboot Protocol TM from Tumtree. "What's impressive to me is, I've been a Naturopathic Physician for 30 years and Naturopaths have always talked about "your health begins in your gut." That's been our mantra for years. It's always been a part of the...
Jonell Francis
Muscle Pain in Back
No more back problems or soreness at all! I did the Reboot and lost 6 pounds during the first week. Since the cleanse I’ve continued using Glutamine regularly and now have my energy back from my 30’s. I used to be tired, brainfogged and extremely sore from just an hour of mild work like cleaning out the garage and end up having my back pop out, putting me down. With Glutamine I do not have any more problems with popping my back or soreness at all! I can now be active all day and still function normally the next. …and...
Jonell Francis
Natural Support for Heart Problems
Answer to Our Prayers I have dealt with autoimmune issues for over 10 years. As I have used this cleanse and strengthened my GI tract with this system, my tachycardia has come under control without other treatment, I am not reacting to natural sugars and can eat whole grain wheat and oats without being exhausted after every meal. It has also helped with my children’s food sensitivities and untreatable yeast related diaper rashes. I have been able to lose seemingly un-losable pounds gained with 4 babies born in 5 years. It has helped with unexplained depression, and given clarity of...