Reviews — sugar craving
Jonell Francis
Constipation, Fatigue and Sugar Craving
Colon Cancer is a very real concern in my family. I’ve always had constipation issues, despite my manic workout schedule and high-fiber diets. I had my first colonoscopy at the age of 25 where doctors found several polyps. It wasn’t uncommon for me to go four or five days without a bowel movement. When I started 30 Day Reboot, I had no idea what a major difference it would make in my life. I have more energy, I don’t crave food like I used to, I lost 12 pounds in the first month, but best of all, I average two...
Jonell Francis
Natural Support for Bacterial Strep Infections
Asthma, Allergies, Strep and Sugar Cravings There are few things I can put my name on to endorse besides my faith in Jesus Christ. Most things are fads but it has been 5 yrs since Angel Naivalu introduced this cleanse to help me to cut down on sugar. The sugar/carb cravings came to a halt. We have found out these herb capsules are AMAZING. They kill strep throat faster than antibiotics! Stephen used to get strep every year, not anymore!! My allergies and asthma have been vanquished! I can pet a cat, my dog can come in the house, I can...
Jonell Francis
Diabetes help without drugs
Diabetes, Joint Pain and Congestion I’ve been using the Reboot protocol for one month and have felt much better. Great things I’ve noticed so far are that I’m sleeping better-not taking benadryl every night and I have less constipation. My fasting blood sugar before the cleanse was 109 and 148 postprandial. Now, it’s between 73 and 90. My blood sugar looks so much better and that is a miracle. I feel more energy returning to me and am able to start running again because, so far, no more joint pain. My sugar cravings have also been better. Next time I think...
Jonell Francis
Support for Hashimotos Recovery
Hypothyroid Autoimmune Condition Jessica Walters on Healing Hashimotos, brainfog, candida overgrowth, IBS, sugar craving and fatigue. “Hi! My name is Jessica Walters. My experience with Tumtree's Reboot system has been amazing! I have hyperthyroid autoimmune condition, Hashimoto's it's called. So some of my symptoms when I started were brain fog, candida overgrowth, circulation problems in my feet and my hands were freezing, my gut was a mess, it would hurt and I would have a lot of problems. And I think my sugar cravings were on the high as well. So, some of the things that I’ve noticed since I’ve...