Reviews — brain fog

Jonell Francis

Depression, Anxiety and IBS

Depression, Anxiety and IBS I’m happy to report that things have been going really well for me. My symptoms have been dairy allergy, sensitive to sugars, bloating, acid reflux, brainfog, anxiety and depression. In two weeks I can already tell a difference in how my body feels. I can only see things going up from here! Catharine L. Los Angeles, CA

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Jonell Francis

Mental Clarity and Energy

Thank you so much for your products. This is the only thing that has made me feel better when I have a flare up of yeast or need a cleanse to increase energy and mental clarity. I have referred probably 10-15 people to you in the last year. I know they love it! I’ve converted many. 😉  My sister does your cold and flu system and… well there are lots of people who I have sent your way.  I could go on and on. But thank you for all your research for those of us who have been looking for...

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Hashimotos Thyroiditis Relief

Unwanted Weight Gain, Joint Pain, Depression My sister introduced me to your starter kit 4 years ago. I have struggled with weight gain, pain, mood swings and memory issues for years. I have tried diets and exercise to no avail. I did your program with great success.  I lost 35 lbs and was feeling great but got derailed after the first 2 months. Never truly redid the full program. My weight stayed off until this last year. My symptoms have escalated and I was finally diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. However the medications the doctor put me on made me crazy....

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Jonell Francis

Intestinal Pain Gone

Intestinal Pain Gone I did the Reboot by Tumtree. It was very doable and helpful for starting a lifestyle change. I did it because I was having intestinal pains and doctors couldn’t figure out why. After I did the cleanse, the pains completely went away. When I was finished, I felt so good and my mind was clear. As an added bonus, my 3 oldest children have joined me. They won’t touch sugar (they’re even better than me!). They do this on their own, when their friends ask them why they won’t eat the junk they eat, they just say because it doesn’t...

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