Reviews — arthritis
Jonell Francis
Natural Support for Ankylosing Spondylitis
I didn't wake up until the alarm woke me up. My name is Jacob Ballsteadt. When I was 19 years I started feeling pain in my hips and my back. Eventually I was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis when I was 23. It's a form of arthritis that primarily affects your spine and hips. Painful disease. I've had some very hard times with it. Last Fall I took some antibiotics, and those often flare my arthritis. After that I was in a bad position for about a month. Did a non-starch diet which helps but I was still in pain, pain...
Jonell Francis
Wrist Pain Gone, Wahoo!
Wrist Pain, Eczema, Allergies... Getting rid of yeast has helped so many issues in my family from allergies to eczema and asthma. However, the most dramatic result was from some chronic joint pain in my wrists. I had horrible pain in both wrists for four years. I couldn’t even push myself out of bed in the morning or bend my wrists at all. I had an MRI on the wrists and the doctor found cysts in between the joints. When asking what the cysts were, he really couldn’t give me an answer. I firmly believed that the cysts were pockets...
Jonell Francis
The Hidden Cause of Your Chronic Anxiety, Bloating, Pain and Fatigue
This is actually brilliant. A broad array of uncomfortable symptoms from bloating and gas, to joint pain, inflamed skin, headaches, depression, anxiety, brainfog and fatigue all stem from a gut that’s become too permeable. Doctor Carol Petherbridge in Klamath Falls Oregon has been helping her patients win the day over gut linked disease for years with The Reboot Protocol TM from Tumtree. "What's impressive to me is, I've been a Naturopathic Physician for 30 years and Naturopaths have always talked about "your health begins in your gut." That's been our mantra for years. It's always been a part of the...