12 Common Questions about Leaky Gut & Candida Overgrowth
How long will it take to heal my gut?
For acute conditions linked with a leaky gut, a single 30 Day Reboot may help restore balance to the body. However, if you have suffered with associated symptoms for months or years (lifelong allergies or autoimmune disease) you may need to repeat the program for 2 to 6 months.
How can I know if I really have a leaky gut?
Browsing a list of symptoms to see how many ways you match up with Leaky Gut is a quick, easy way to self-diagnose.
If your symptoms are not convincing, there’s another simple test to tell if you have an overgrowth of candida yeast or other fungus that needs drop kicking with 30 Day Reboot from Tumtree.
The Spit Test
Before you go to bed, place a clear glass of water where you can reach it from bed. First thing in the morning, before you put ANYTHING in your mouth, work up a big wad of saliva and spit it into the glass of water.
Check the water every 15 minutes or so for up to one hour. If you have a candida yeast infection there will be mucus in your saliva that will not float as readily. Watch for strings (like legs) that travel down into the water. Or if cloudy saliva sinks to the bottom of the glass or cloudy specks appear suspended in the water these all indicate likelihood of excess yeast. If your spit remains perfectly afloat w/ water clear for 30 to 45 minutes, you are probably candida free.
Is Tumtree Reboot a traditional Candida program?
No. Tumtree's Reboot is better in 3 ways than a traditional Candida program.
1) More powerful – The proprietary blend of 5 anti-pathogenic herbs are more powerful than medications for yeast. Follow the instructions as you ease into Body Balance capsules. Nicknamed “Diflucan on steroids”, Body Balance is strong enough to drop kick yeast, fungus and bad bacteria without adopting the highly restrictive Candida diet.
2) Less restrictive – 30 Day Reboot is a system for real people living real lives. Recipes are quick and delicious. No need to take time off work. In fact, when used according to instruction you could feel better and better each week. Simply avoid obvious sugar, dairy products and gluten (wheat and bread products). If you know of other foods that give you grief (corn and soy are other common allergens), avoid those as well for at least the first 30 days. You’ll still be enjoying whole grains, fermented foods and foods containing 2% or less of sugar. Mushrooms and vinegar are allowed as long as they do not trigger obvious symptoms when eaten. You may even enjoy a serving of fruit a day if you’d like. Use stevia for sweetening. The new Reboot Recipes Cookbook contains 50 recipes free of all five common allergens (sugar, dairy, wheat, corn and soy. The original Feel Good Cookbook is your resource for additional sugar free, dairy free, and gluten free recipes along with recipes containing both gluten, corn, soy and small amounts of dairy as you heal. But we think you’ll love these recipes long after your need for Reboot has passed.
3) More comprehensive – While being far less restrictive on diet, 30 Day Reboot addresses far more than yeast removal. The anti-parasitic agents in this program also target bad bacteria like h. pylori, staph, strep and even viral infection. Other essential elements of this system are proper elimination, helping to heal the affected mucous membranes, assisting healthy flora, and addressing die off symptoms. This program will also open your mind to the connections between your thinking and how your body feels, and how treating the body also effects the mind. Finally, for those who seek one on one support, phone consultations are also available. At Tumtree, we want to ensure your success so you too can say, “I haven’t felt this good in years.”
What can I eat while on Tumtree Reboot?
If your goal is to feel good as quickly as possible, this is accomplished by avoiding the 5 common allergenic foods: sugar, dairy (butter is permitted), wheat, corn and soy for 30 days. After 30 days you can challenge any allergenic or former trigger food to see if it's no longer a problem for you.
If there are additional foods that you know hurt you (ie white potatoes, peanuts, garlic, shellfish, etc.) avoid them too. It is not necessary to have expensive allergy testing done. However, if testing for diagnosis is covered by insurance, or is not a financial hardship, go ahead and get all the testing you need to confirm your diagnosis of disease.
Once I heal, will I ever need to Reboot again?
Depending on your exposure to the risk factors for gut linked disease, you may. You can keep your body primed for high immunity by curbing your sugar intake year round and by mopping up high carb indulgences with Exodus GI Sponge and following it an hour or two later with 1-2 capsules of Body Balance. Keep these powerful supplements on hand to treat early signs of inflammation as they arise and stay in the zone for feeling good every day. 8 risk factors for leaky gut
Will Tumtree Reboot Really Work for Me though?
Your design works for wellness, for a vibrantly healthy body that is energized and fit and for peaceful neurochemistry and restful sleep. We have hundreds of customer reviews by symptom name here. Or you can watch 2 minute testimonial videos on our YouTube channel here. Take the 30 Day Reboot Challenge and find out for yourself that YOU are meant to feel good.
How does Leaky Gut happen?
The average human digestive tract is home to as many as 10 trillion microorganisms that do not share your DNA. Most of them are harmless — or even helpful — under normal circumstances. But when something upsets the balance of these organisms in your gut, otherwise harmless bacteria and yeast can grow out of control and make you sick (candida yeast, h. pylori, E. coli, staph, strep, C. diff). In addition to the infection, they alter the permeability of your mucous membranes allowing the outside world to enter your bloodstream, and creating an autoimmune response to such benign substances as pollen, synthetic fabric fibers, pet dander and foods you commonly eat. Proper permeability of your mucous membranes is your front line of defense against pathogens in the world around you.
What are the Risk Factors for getting Leaky Gut?
There are many cultural norms in the western world that set us up for gut linked illness by tipping the balance in favor of unfriendly microorganisms. These include a high stress lifestyle, antibiotic use, high sugar diet, exposure to toxic chemicals and use of both steroid and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Mobic, etc).
The good news is…there is now an approach that could help in restoring balance to the universe within. Reboot from Tumtree.
How do food allergies happen?
Your gastrointestinal system is the largest of many mucous membranes that make up your body. When it becomes more porous and permeable than normal, common foods begin to leak into the bloodstream before they are fully digested. Food allergies form as these partially digested foods (gluten, corn, diary, soy and others) enter the bloodstream. These protein chains trigger a series of inflammatory responses from the immune system like elevated heart rate and flooding the site with histamines to swell the opening shut where this “invader” entered the bloodstream. This overactive immune response can affect any of the body’s systems including the brain. Reboot could address not only the overgrowth of unfriendly organisms but also might help with the damage done to all the mucous membranes of the body. It sustains the body with proper nutritional support and finally restores a robust population of friendly bacteria to maintain balance in the future.
Are babies immune to Leaky Gut?
Newborn babies all have increased intestinal permeability or leaky gut until about the age of 1. Premature babies are especially prone to gut linked illness as their mucous membranes were even more permeable than normal at birth. It is especially important to feed babies on immune supporting breast milk to bolster their stores of friendly bacteria which assist in restoring proper permeability to the bowel, upper and lower respiratory systems. Read about babies and their recovery from leaky gut symptoms here.
How do Antibiotics harm the gut?
Antibiotics attack bacteria in the body, but they don’t know the difference between good flora and bad. They end up destroying all of the bacteria in your mucous membranes leaving other native species like the yeast Candida albicans to grow unchecked. When this happens, Candida yeast infections develop. Whether the infection is with Candida, bad bacteria or virus, Reboot is designed to remove it until balance is once again restored.
According to a study released in 2018 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, food allergies among children increased approximately 50% between 1997 and 2011. In 2014, 15 million Americans, mostly children made ER visits for food allergy related emergencies.
More than 17 million Europeans have a food allergy, and hospital admissions for severe reactions in children have risen seven-fold over the past decade, according to the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI).
Is Leaky Gut a New Age Phenomenon?
While the number of people who have a Leaky Gut is growing, (scientists estimate that up to 85% of the worlds population will have increased intestinal permeability at some point in their lifetime,) the condition has been around for centuries. In 400 BC Hippocrates recorded many occurrences of thrush, cradle cap and other signs of microbiome imbalance including fungal infections of the skin. In the Judeo Christian tradition, God (Jehovah) gave the children of Israel a weeklong Passover Feast of unleavened bread (yeast free), high protein, low carbs and bitter herbs (which destroy yeast and other pathogens in the body). It occurred in Spring before the earth bore any fruit and came with a promise that for observing this feast “the destroying angel would pass them by.”
Why can't I just take a friendly bacteria supplement to balance my microbiome?
While a robust population of friendly bacteria is essential to maintaining healthy mucous membranes, they lack the ability to reestablish control in the face of opportunistic bad bacteria, candida yeast and fungus. If you are experiencing symptoms of a leaky gut and are taking even a very high quality probiotic supplement, these billions of hopeful residents will be unable to implant.
However, as you begin clearing your mucous membranes of pathogens, you’ll not only could experience a decrease in all the symptoms created by their harmful chemistry but you could restore a favorable environment for friendly bacteria to take up residence and maintain order again.
How can my gut health affect my brain?
Among the most troublesome symptoms of leaky gut are the neurological problems it creates in the human brain. These include dull headaches, dizziness, forgetfulness, clumsiness, speech problems like being tongue-tied or stuttering. Other symptoms are accidentally biting cheeks and tongue, a sense of non-reality or feeling “spaced out,” inability to focus mentally, blurred or spotty vision, depression, irritability, anxiety, panic attacks, seizures and inappropriate adrenalin surge.
Brain symptoms arise due primarily to the affects of alcohol from rampant candida yeast overgrowth. Any condition exacerbated by alcohol consumption will be exacerbated by candida yeast overgrowth, including depression, anxiety, memory loss and attention deficit. Yeast overgrowth in the body ensures a steady release of alcohol into the bloodstream, especially when you feed it simple sugars.
To read more about the fascinating connection between your gut and your brain, refer to The UltraMind Solution: Fix Your Broken Brain by Healing Your Body First, by Mark Hyman, MD. Reboot from Tumtree puts into practice the principles laid out in this timely book.
Is it safe to Reboot during pregnancy or nursing?
Because of the anti-parasitic qualities of the herbs in Body Balance capsules, this supplement is not recommended during the first trimester of pregnancy, and should be used with caution later. Any medication or herbal formula that reaches your bloodstream will reach your baby. Weigh carefully your discomfort against releasing yeast, bad bacteria and virus into your bloodstream and into your milk. The ideal time for a Reboot is when you are neither pregnant nor lactating. For more information on cleansing while pregnant or nursing read Is Yeast Treatment Safe During Pregnancy.
Supplements that are both safe and beneficial during pregnancy are Tumtree Gut Sponge, Glutamine, and Probiotic Blend.
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