Reviews — digestion problems

Gall Bladder, Digestion and Fatigue

Lost pounds, better sleep and more energy! I have been thrilled with my experience using your program. I had my gall bladder out 3 years ago and have had many digestive issues since then. The cleanse has helped me not only with those issues (gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea), but it has also helped me lose fifteen pounds, sleep better and have more energy for my family and for exercise. It has made me want to improve my eating habits as well. I feel like it has put me on a better path to overall good health – mentally, emotionally and...

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Acne and Stomach Pain

I felt like a new person! I really love your products.  Over the last few years I have had great success with Tumtree products. I originally found them when I was dealing with major skin acne as a young adult. A friend recommended I try the whole cleanse and it was amazing that after two weeks I had no new skin eruptions on my face.  Soon after I finished the cleanse my skin had cleared up completely and boy was I happy! Such a relief. Fast forward a few years, I had the bacteria H. Pylori within my stomach lining. This...

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One Little Known Cause of Bloating, Brainfog and Fatigue

Help for gluten and dairy intolerance    “My name is Heidi. I have gluten and dairy intolerance. And I’ve dealt with issues caused by candida overgrowth.  A friend of mine who has a lot of these and more health issues introduced Exodus to me and I was amazed at the results from just using this product alone. Exodus isn’t just a fiber supplement, it actually acts like a sponge and it absorbs the toxins that are left behind in the gut by the impure foods that we eat and the good foods we eat that our bodies can’t digest for...

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Chronic Knee Pain Gone

Chronic Knee Pain Gone    Hey, hey, hey! Hey, everyone, I’m Roy and I just want to say I love Tumtree products. Thank you so much, Miss Jonell, for all that you’re doing and for the creative and awesome work you’re doing over there. All the other programs that I was on said I couldn’t eat, don’t eat and you will feel better. With this program, Miss Jonell developed meal plans and food you can eat. And I just feel so much better. I was performing during the time of my awful gut issues and the main symptom I kept feeling...

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