Reviews — congestion

Natural Remedy for Nasal Congestion

Body Balance Liquid fixed my Nasal Congestion... I was having problems with severe nasal congestion for about 3 months. I’d been to several different doctors who prescribed different medications (antibiotic and steroid) that all ended up not helping. I was so congested that I couldn’t breathe through my nose at all, and was having a hard time sleeping as a result. I have known Jonell for many years and asked her for ideas that could help. The first thing I tried was a nasal spray she had me make from saline and Body Balance Liquid formula. I used about 4...

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Candida Cancer Connection

Fungal Infection and Cancer I spoke with you earlier this summer about my ailments and I had some things come up that prompted me to look up your website. First off… You were right on the money. Without taking any corrective measures my overall energy level has lowered even more, and over the last month my intestinal problems have been happening almost daily (the most bothersome being the physical distention I get every time I eat). Anyway, I had the chance to have my blood sample looked at under a microscope by a trained eye, and guess what? Yup. Yeast....

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The Hidden Cause of Your Chronic Anxiety, Bloating, Pain and Fatigue

This is actually brilliant. A broad array of uncomfortable symptoms from bloating and gas, to joint pain, inflamed skin, headaches, depression, anxiety, brainfog and fatigue all stem from a gut that’s become too permeable. Doctor Carol Petherbridge in Klamath Falls Oregon has been helping her patients win the day over gut linked disease for years with The Reboot Protocol TM from Tumtree. "What's impressive to me is, I've been a Naturopathic Physician for 30 years and Naturopaths have always talked about "your health begins in your gut." That's been our mantra for years. It's always been a part of the...

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I knew that Reboot was rescuing me.

In February I applied a hormone patch to help me with hormone imbalances. 3 days later I was feeling sick with stomach pains and back pain that got worse everyday.  I began eating a lot of raw cruciferous veggies to help cleanse the synthetic hormones out of my body. The next day my back pain was so severe I went to the emergency room where a doctor confirmed that I was having a severe reaction to the hormone patch. He gave me a prescription for the pain and off I went to the pharmacy. By Monday, I developed more allergies: hives, swollen glands...

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