Reviews — autoimmune disease

Natural Cure for Ankylosing Spondylitis

I didn't wake up until the alarm woke me up. My name is Jacob Ballsteadt.  When I was 19 years I started feeling pain in my hips and my back.  Eventually I was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis when I was 23.  It's a form of arthritis that primarily affects your spine and hips.  Painful disease. I've had some very hard times with it.  Last Fall I took some antibiotics, and those often flare my arthritis.  After that I was in a bad position for about a month.  Did a non-starch diet which helps but I was still in pain, pain...

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Dysautonomia (POTS - Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome)

Heal POTS Dysautonomia naturally.    Hi, my name is Idonna, from Idaho. And I love to run marathons. I want to talk to you about my Reboot experience and how it got me back to running marathons again. A year and a half ago 8 days after I ran a marathon I found myself in the hospital getting a pacemaker.  And during that experience I had a pneumothorax and my left lung totally collapsed. Months later I had a better heartrate, but I was getting more and more sick from the lung collapse and trauma to my chest.  I was diagnosed...

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Chronic Cold Sores (herpes virus), Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety, Depression, Autoimmune Disease I have had problems with yeast probably since I was a young girl. I had frequent cases of strep throat which were treated with antibiotics. I used to get frequent cold sores, worse than anyone else in my family. I got them on my lips, nose, chin and even forehead. As I got older and into high school I developed an autoimmune disease. In high school I also struggled with anxiety and depression, fluctuations in my mood, poor sleep, brain fog and more symptoms that I never knew could be associated with yeast. Since doing the...

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Fibromyalgia and Edema Disappearing Fast

Prompt Relief for Swollen Hands and Feet 4 years ago I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.  This spring I had an unusually bad flare up of inflammation throughout my whole body. I was in so much pain I could not see straight. Evenings were my absolute worst time and that is when I need to be the most functional for my family. I hit a point where enough was enough and I got in for a consultation with Jonell about the Reboot cleanse. The first day of the cleanse I took Exodus about 5-6 times throughout the day. I felt immediate...

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