
Jonell Francis

Warding off the Flu

Warding off the Flu I’m a school teacher and I'm glad to always have a supply of your products on hand. I have been taking Exodus and Body Balance along with Probiotic Blend and haven’t had any colds and flu’s this whole semester (12 weeks + summer holidays 18 weeks). That is absolutely unheard of, especially while all the children and adults I work with, have all had them! Debbie Loffhagen, Bracknell, England

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Chronic Cold Sores (herpes virus), Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety, Depression, Autoimmune Disease I have had problems with yeast probably since I was a young girl. I had frequent cases of strep throat which were treated with antibiotics. I used to get frequent cold sores, worse than anyone else in my family. I got them on my lips, nose, chin and even forehead. As I got older and into high school I developed an autoimmune disease. In high school I also struggled with anxiety and depression, fluctuations in my mood, poor sleep, brain fog and more symptoms that I never knew could be associated with yeast. Since doing the...

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Fibromyalgia and Edema Disappearing Fast

Prompt Relief for Swollen Hands and Feet 4 years ago I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.  This spring I had an unusually bad flare up of inflammation throughout my whole body. I was in so much pain I could not see straight. Evenings were my absolute worst time and that is when I need to be the most functional for my family. I hit a point where enough was enough and I got in for a consultation with Jonell about the Reboot cleanse. The first day of the cleanse I took Exodus about 5-6 times throughout the day. I felt immediate...

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Healing Hashimotos Fast

Hypothyroid Autoimmune Condition Jessica Walters on Healing Hashimotos, brainfog, candida overgrowth, IBS, sugar craving and fatigue.    “Hi! My name is Jessica Walters. My experience with Tumtree's Reboot system has been amazing!  I have hyperthyroid autoimmune condition, Hashimoto's it's called. So some of my symptoms when I started were brain fog, candida overgrowth, circulation problems in my feet and my hands were freezing, my gut was a mess, it would hurt and I would have a lot of problems. And I think my sugar cravings were on the high as well. So, some of the things that I’ve noticed since I’ve...

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