Reviews — Hashimotos

Natural Support for Molluscum Water Warts

Stop Viral Warts in their tracks.  Hi my name is Emily Judd. I've been using Tumtree for 8 years. I started because I had Hashimotos which caused exhaustion and allergies. Today I want to tell you about my 4 year old son, who had molluscum, a virus, also called water warts up and down his left side. He had itchy dry patches of skin as well causing him discomfort.  He would scratch them, they would bleed, then scab over, then come back.  Then it occurred to me that maybe my Liquid Body Balance would help.  So we started giving him 2 dropperfuls...

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Support for Hashimotos Recovery

Hypothyroid Autoimmune Condition Jessica Walters on Healing Hashimotos, brainfog, candida overgrowth, IBS, sugar craving and fatigue.    “Hi! My name is Jessica Walters. My experience with Tumtree's Reboot system has been amazing!  I have hyperthyroid autoimmune condition, Hashimoto's it's called. So some of my symptoms when I started were brain fog, candida overgrowth, circulation problems in my feet and my hands were freezing, my gut was a mess, it would hurt and I would have a lot of problems. And I think my sugar cravings were on the high as well. So, some of the things that I’ve noticed since I’ve...

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Natural Support for Hashimotos Thyroiditis

Unwanted Weight Gain, Joint Pain, Depression My sister introduced me to your program 4 years ago. I have struggled with weight gain, pain, mood swings and memory issues for years. I have tried diets and exercise to no avail. I did your program with great success.  I lost 35 lbs and was feeling great but got derailed after the first 2 months. Never truly redid the full program. My weight stayed off until this last year. My symptoms have escalated and I was finally diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. However the medications the doctor put me on made me crazy. I...

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