You are not going to believe this, but it’s true! Using just 4 simple ingredients, I made THE BEST, real-tasting chocolate pudding from real food. Who doesn’t love some chocolate pudding every now and then, right?
But, whenever I read the labels on pudding packs, I just can't do it. That’s why I was intrigued when my friend Becky Edwards of Purpose Driven Mentoring shared this pudding with me. Instead of using full sugar natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup, I tweaked it for all you low sugar fans by using Monkfruit (an unbelievably sweet natural fruit that won’t raise your blood sugar levels and has little to no calories in its pure powdered form.)
But whether you're investing in your health or not, this no sugar Chocomole Pudding WILL satisfy!
- 1/3-1/2 cup cocoa powder (I like less. Becky likes more.)
- 1/2 cup monkfruit sweetener (zero carbs and no weird aftertaste like stevia)
- 2 avocados
- 1 cup coconut cream
Yep, sounds weird, but I’m here to testify that if you put these 4 things in your blender and process the bajeebies out of them, it turns into smooth, sweet, chocolatey pudding that does NOT taste like avocado. Not even remotely.
The real test was when I shared it with my man, my mom, the inlaws and our 3 teens last night. It got 6 of 7 thumbs up! (Dad doesn't like chocolate anything.) ...Which only has me nodding in agreement when a recent British survey revealed 9 out of 10 people love chocolate. And the tenth persons lying. ;S
Treat your loves to healthy chocolate Heaven this Valentines!
Healthfully Yours,