Leaky Gut Education

Jonell Francis
8 Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance in Women

8 Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance in Women

What Does Hormonal Imbalance Look Like? Hormone imbalance is one of the most common conditions I see in my work with women as a Leaky Gut Coach.   In this post you’ll learn about 8 common symptoms of hormone imbalance in women ages 16 to 60 and what you can do to help yourself (and them) to greater wellbeing.  1. Amenorrhea: A womans menstrual periods may become erratic because of the fluctuating hormonal levels in her body. Once a woman attains menopause her periods stop completely, a condition known as amenorrhea. It’s only when a woman does not menstruate for a full year that she’s...

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Jonell Francis
5 Habits for Healthy Hormones

5 Habits for Healthy Hormones

How To Have Healthy Hormones Mood swings, hot flashes, painful periods and weight gain. These are hard realities for nearly half of women age 30 to 60.  According to a recent survey published in the New York Post, 43% of women say that hormones have negatively affected their overall well-being. The survey of 2,000 American women age 30 to 60 also found that a surprising 72 percent were unaware of the connection between other uncomfortable symptoms like anxiety, depression, brain fog and short term memory loss and their out of whack hormone levels.  What Causes Hormone Imbalance? Imbalances occur when there...

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Jonell Francis
Can Sugar Cravings Really Be Blasted... For Good?

Can Sugar Cravings Really Be Blasted... For Good?

"Fellow Americans. Our sugar-laden diet is literally killing us."  That's the conclusion of a study reported at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association (AHA) in March 2020. The study authors attributed 180,000 annual deaths worldwide—25,000 in the United States alone—to sugary beverages.  But sodas and fruit drinks aren't our only sources of added sugar. The average American eats between 22 and 30 teaspoons of added sugar each day, totaling an average of 150 pounds annually.  How much sugar do we actually need?  According to AHA guidelines, women should not get more than 100 daily calories (about 5 teaspoons...

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Jonell Francis
How to Cure POTS Dysautonomia with Natural Treatments

How to Cure POTS Dysautonomia with Natural Treatments

In this article, we discuss a type of chronic illness called Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, or POTS for short and a natural method for healing it.  There has also been a steady rise in the incidence of POTS since the COVID19 pandemic hit the US in early 2020.  Up to date research is showing that there is a distinct rise in POTS following COVID19 vaccination, and an even bigger rise in POTS following SARS-COV-2 infection (long covid). For more on that click here.  In this post, we'll look at common symptoms and a non-conventional therapy that's making all the difference...

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