Leaky Gut Education — Category_Exodus GI Sponge

Jonell Francis
Exodus GI Sponge, Your Bowels Best Friend

Exodus GI Sponge, Your Bowels Best Friend

How Prebiotic Fiber in Exodus works magic. A few weeks ago we ran out of Exodus. Understandable, since I’m always giving it away to friends for whatever ails them - tummy trouble, colds and flus and sponging up sugary treats. At 10pm I texted several of my neighbors to beg some treasured Exodus for our kids. This stuff is golden. Really. Thanks Gina!  #savethechildren. Why we can't survive without it. Exodus GI Sponge is the most popular pharmaceutical at our house. It creates an internal sponge for soaking up indigestion, bloating, heartburn, stomach flu, diarrhea, constipation, menstrual cramps or headaches in minutes...

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