How Prebiotic Fiber in Exodus works magic.
A few weeks ago we ran out of Exodus. Understandable, since I’m always giving it away to friends for whatever ails them - tummy trouble, colds and flus and sponging up sugary treats.
At 10pm I texted several of my neighbors to beg some treasured Exodus for our kids. This stuff is golden. Really. Thanks Gina! #savethechildren.
Why we can't survive without it.
Exodus GI Sponge is the most popular pharmaceutical at our house. It creates an internal sponge for soaking up indigestion, bloating, heartburn, stomach flu, diarrhea, constipation, menstrual cramps or headaches in minutes and flushing them out of the body.
My kids have each been amazed to discover for themselves how closely bowels are linked with how they feel. I often hear one of our teenagers in the kitchen late at night whipping up an Exodus Smoothie for quick forgiveness of some overindulgence.
Just add a scoop or two to a cup of juice or water and blend or shake with a lid to mix the apple cinnamon powder in. Then drink it down, as it thickens if you let it sit.
Within 5-10 minutes it lifts nausea, stomach flu, headaches or sugar sickness and encourages a gentle, formed bowel movement 6-8 hours later.
If weight-loss is on your vision board, a 24 hour GI cleanse with Exodus GI Sponge is a super easy way to jump start you toward your goal. Taking 5, 3 scoop doses throughout a 24 hour period to comfortably clean sweep your gastrointestinal tract and knock the first 3 pounds off your goal in the first 48 hours.
How to Be BFF's with Your Bowel.
Continue taking one scoop of Exodus GI Sponge each night to train your bowels to move each morning before lunchtime.
You will be amazed at how much lighter you feel and clearer your head is when you “take the garbage out every day” with Exodus.
For additional helps with weight-loss, browse some Customer Reviews about what a 30 day Reboot can do for your bottom line. This may be just the missing piece you’ve been looking for.
Cheers to the beginning of a great relationship with your own Bowel! – Jonell