Reviews — inflammation
Jonell Francis
Natural Support for Fibromyalgia and Edema
Prompt Relief for Swollen Hands and Feet 4 years ago I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. This spring I had an unusually bad flare up of inflammation throughout my whole body. I was in so much pain I could not see straight. Evenings were my absolute worst time and that is when I need to be the most functional for my family. I hit a point where enough was enough and I got in for a consultation with Jonell about the Reboot cleanse. The first day of the cleanse I took Exodus about 5-6 times throughout the day. I felt immediate...
Jonell Francis
Natural Support for Joint Pain
Natural Support for Extreme back pain
This past Fall I experienced the worst back pain of my life, it felt like a slipped disc. I couldn’t stand, sit, or move comfortably. After only 1 tablespoon dose of your Glutamine my back returned to normal. I continued taking a tablespoon morning and night through the week and not only did my back feel 100% better but my shoulder, 2 months post surgery, showed improvement as well.
Helen Porter, Mapleton, UT
Jonell Francis
Gastroparesis Treatment
Bonus, Menstruation returns! I am sick with a condition called Gastroparesis. In other words my bowel is paralyzed. Besides having an upset stomach, nausea and vomiting all the time, my body was really aching and I was not having regular menstrual periods. The doctors didn’t know how to help me except to do surgery and divert my digestion to a bag. They blamed it on my age-since I’m 39 years old. After doing Reboot for 30 days, food is beginning to move through me again. I now get my period regularly and more comfortably. My body is feeling gradually better and...
Jonell Francis
Natural Support for Hashimotos Thyroiditis
Unwanted Weight Gain, Joint Pain, Depression My sister introduced me to your program 4 years ago. I have struggled with weight gain, pain, mood swings and memory issues for years. I have tried diets and exercise to no avail. I did your program with great success. I lost 35 lbs and was feeling great but got derailed after the first 2 months. Never truly redid the full program. My weight stayed off until this last year. My symptoms have escalated and I was finally diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. However the medications the doctor put me on made me crazy. I...