Reviews — cramps

Baby Colic and Sleeplessness

My Baby Sleeps Through the Night Now! Judy Sorenson reclaims her sleep when baby Brady gets Body Balance Liquid to correct imbalance in his gut microbiota.    "Hello, my name is Judy. This is my baby Brady. He is 9 months old and I just wanna give a quick review of the Body Balance Liquid formula.  So, I've been talking with Jonell who's amazing and was very patient with coaching me. And she said, has Brady been sleeping through the night?" and I said No, he doesn't sleep through the night and he won't sleep through the night. And I'm not even...

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Jonell Francis

Menstrual Problems Corrected

I’ve been taking Body Balance capsules to get my irregular menstruation corrected. I was lightly bleeding every 10 days. The capsules have cleared it up almost immediately.  After just a couple weeks on Reboot, I’m back to a 24-26 day regular cycle.  So happy! Amy S. Provo, UT

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I quit napping everyday but the bonus is weight loss

Better Sleep and Weight Loss We spent Spring Break in Cancun Mexico and I brought home E Coli and Giardia.  What fun!  After 3 rounds of antibiotics and still feeling quite ill, exhausted, headachey, bloated, severe stomach cramps and other unmentionables, I didn’t know what to do. My throat and mouth were full of yeast and I had difficulty swallowing.  Luckily a friend suggested I try Tumtree Reboot.  After 3 weeks of no dairy, gluten or sugar and using the Reboot protocol I am on my way to recovery. The headaches have stopped and bloating decreased as did my continually stuffy head. My stomach...

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Jonell Francis

Very Heavy Period

My periods normalized. I started my period six years ago.  From the beginning, I’ve had very heavy periods that continued to worsen the more I had them.  I would bleed heavily for up to ten days, have a couple days break, then start another painful cycle.  With my period came unbearable cramping in my legs, back, stomach, and shoulders.  All I felt I could do was lie around until my period passed.  After a month on the Reboot program, my periods became predicable, lasting only six days with a regular flow and my cramps were almost unnoticeable – I never...

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