Baby Colic and Sleeplessness

My Baby Sleeps Through the Night Now!

Judy Sorenson reclaims her sleep when baby Brady gets Body Balance Liquid to correct imbalance in his gut microbiota. 


"Hello, my name is Judy. This is my baby Brady. He is 9 months old and I just wanna give a quick review of the Body Balance Liquid formula.  So, I've been talking with Jonell who's amazing and was very patient with coaching me.

And she said, has Brady been sleeping through the night?" and I said No, he doesn't sleep through the night and he won't sleep through the night. And I'm not even dreaming of him sleeping through the night.  And she said, well, some Mom's have found that their baby will sleep through the night after they've had the Body Balance after they've killed off some of the bad bacteria in the gut.

And I said, hmm.  And I thought not in a million years.  He was breastfeeding through the night, I got up every hour to 2 hours to feed him. 

And then I gave him the body balance and within 3 days, he slept through the night twice, from 8pm to 6 in the morning.  That says to me that he was feeling more comfortable and he was able to sleep.  For that reason I can recommend the body balance and think that it did wonders for his little gut."

Judy Sorenson, Manti Utah


(Common symptoms linked with an imbalance in babies gut flora (part of the microbiome) are colic, congestion, eczema, asthma, sleeplessness, thrush, cradle cap, raised red diaper rashes and loss of appetite. You deserve to feel good at any age and season of your life, and your baby does too.)

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