Lymphedema, IBS, Sugar Craving

Huge Miracle for Me!

My symptoms have been lymphedema in my legs, IBS, weight gain, joint pain, sleeplessness and sugar cravings. It has now been 42 days…in those 42 days, I have had “sugar” once and that was some ice cream. My main goal was to lay off the sugar (sweets), gluten, wheat, and soda and then go from there. The swelling in my legs and feet has gone down. I am sleeping better than I have in months. People are noticing my face less puffy and thinning out some. For Easter I passed on Chocolate Covered Cinnamon Bears and a ton of Easter Candy. People ask me how I have done it and I tell them I cheated because I had to do a cleanse to get rid of the triggers….but overall I am feeling so much better. My bad days now are like my GOOD DAYS before! One day I spent an HOUR walking around the Dollar Store….HUGE MIRACLE for me. So thank you. My stomach problems have pretty much gone away. I think one day I experienced some bad runs….but other than that it’s good. Thank you again for sharing your knowledge! People are amazed I am doing this including doctors I go to church with! =) Just a couple of days ago a clerk at the grocery store could tell I was walking much faster!! Yeaaa Me! I got the email today about the seminar in May in Alpine. My friend and I are going to come. Anxious to meet you…

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