Endometriosis Fatigue
Reboot from Tumtree has helped me so much and I want you to know that because I am so so so grateful! I love sharing your stuff. I ordered your book for a friend for her birthday, I am excited to give it to her. I have showed it to several people. I think a lot of people are scared of making changes, but it’s awesome how many people you are impacting.
I’ve had endometriosis for a long time and had a cyst removed from my ovary, periods have been horrible and irregular. After using the cleanse for 2 months, for the first time in years my periods became regular. Menstrual cramps, depression, back pain, sore muscles and achy joints have all lifted. I feel so much better than I have in years and I know Reboot has been the greatest help, GREATEST tool in my health arsenal. Getting rid of yeast, coupled with exercise and proper eating really has left me in a much better place. I am grateful.