Reboot Around the World: Healing Leaky Gut
After 9 years online, Tumtree's good news is spreading around the world. There is a root cause of polysystemic inflammation in the human body. And it's at the heart of an epidemic of food & environmental allergy, broken brain conditions and overall misery casting long shadows over the human race.
Millions have been there.
That's a massive amount of collective pain.
And it feels wretched.
Until you find a model for healing that shines a light on your health history and just makes sense.
At Tumtree, we know a way out. And we're dedicated to taking you there.
See why people around the globe are glowing about their results when they make gut health a top priority for just 30-90 days.
"In under 3 months on Reboot I was able to successfully wean off two medications I’d been using daily for years, including a steroid inhaler and an antidepressant. I have been astonished and extremely grateful for the results I’ve had with the use of these products." Amy Woody, MSN, APRN, NP-C
"I was diagnosed in 1999 with IBS, in 2008 with Fibromyalgia and in 2012, with Cholinergic Urticaria (hives). My hair fell out, and nearly every food bothered me. Desperate for a natural remedy I stumbled upon this site and ordered a kit and went on the diet immediately. This treatment in fact saved my life. All of my pain is gone and my symptoms are too! Thanks Tumtree! XOXOX Brenda M, Alberta Canada
"Within 3 days my acid reflux went away and I have not had a recurrence. I lost 5 lbs the first week (20 lbs total) and after 3 weeks my energy level was higher than it has been in years." Brian Ellis, Provo UT
"This is the only thing that has made me feel better when I have a flare up of yeast or want to increase energy and mental clarity. I have referred 10-15 people to you in the last year. I know they love it! Thank you so much for your products and for all your research!" Christy Pethel Weisbaden, Germany
"I started losing weight straight away and now have gone down a dress size (in just 10 days!) My sore, scratchy voice is improving, my nasal congestion is improving and I’m feeling very positive. I just want to send you my love and my thanks for your time and tools." Debbie Loffhagen, Berkshire, Bracknell, UNITED KINGDOM
I’ve had asthma all my life and that improved dramatically while being on the Reboot the last month. I’ve also had the last few years, a heaviness in my chest which after some gastroscopies, showed a lot of inflammation – it took away my appetite. And being on the Reboot, that heaviness is gone. And I’ve got my appetite back again. I love the ease of the 5 step protocol, and even more so, I LOVE the results within a very short timeframe. Myy digestive system feels fantastic! Yeah, really impressed!” Australia
"I felt immediate relief in my hands from swelling and inflammation. By day 2 the pain in my back and neck were gone and I was left feeling very euphoric. My pain diminished so significantly in those first two days that my energy and excitement are high about the coming month. Each day I feel a little more energy, mental clarity and less stiffness.…thanks to this wonderful cleanse." Kacie Friel Bend, OR
"I was suffering from Eczema and some digestive problems for years and I tried just about everything you can think of, but none cured it. Some of what I tried actually made it worse. Then I found Tumtree on Youtube, took a leap of faith and simply followed the protocol. It took around 30 days to heal my Eczema and lower my blood pressure which was amazing. What a blessing! I would definitely recommend the Tumtree products and the 5 step program to others. Keep doing the great work that you are doing, because it really helps people get control of their lives and see some hope." Jansen R, Manila Philippines
"I’ve struggled with the notorious “irritable bowel syndrome” for almost twenty years. With Reboot my gut has finally begun to settle down and operate properly and regularly. I’m able to tolerate gluten and wheat, and even maintain my ideal weight. Best of all, no more stomachaches!" Melinda B, Bellevue WA
I’ve used Reboot during my 2 years in South America. The water and food often give foreigners intestinal problems. But whenever I felt queezy, Reboot kicked it out, almost always within 24 hours. I’ve used 2 refill kits and a third tub of Exodus in 24 months. And I’ve never had a flat out sick day. In fact, I gained 6 pounds. So thanks! Tanner H, Fortaleza, Brazil
Imagine you...30 days from now.
With a little help from your friends at Tumtree.
Let's get to the root of your discomfort.