Dr. Oz says, "leaky gut is likely to emerge as one of the most significant medical concepts of our time."
Why Most People Don’t Know About Leaky Gut
Leaky gut can be a difficult diagnosis to establish for a number of reasons: It's associated with a wide range of seemingly unconnected symptoms; it has a lot of different causes there's no test to absolutely confirm it; and evidence tying it to other conditions can be murky. As a result, there’s a fair amount of skepticism in the mainstream medical community about the legitimacy of leaky gut as a diagnosis. But as the evidence mounts that this is indeed a real and recognizable condition, opinions are slowly changing.
That's a good thing, because as Dr. Oz says, "leaky gut is likely to emerge as one of the most significant medical concepts of our time." It can masquerade as fatigue, anxiety, depression, digestive symptoms, weight problems, painful or irregular menstruation and other more serious conditions… And even with all the latest technology and over 10,000+ scientific research papers on it, most doctors and health professionals are too busy to keep up on everything coming out about this condition.
Many doctors haven’t heard of it because it isn’t something they learned back in medical school. Researchers discovered it by accident in the 1980’s, but despite growing evidence in the scientific literature linking it to almost every known chronic disease, it’s not talked about at the prominent clinics or leading universities yet. But in the last 3 years, Leaky Gut is starting to becoming more mainstream…
Human Microbiome Project
Since the completion of the Human Microbiome Project ($14.5 million in government funding from 2008-2019) we have a ton of new scientific data to interpret and figure out what it all means. 20 years ago when I sought out a medical doctor to help me heal from gut linked autoimmune disease, I was met with complete disbelief that food sensitivities were actually a thing, or that overgrown microbiota could impact a person's health so heavily. I'm so happy to finally see articles published in Reader's Digest, Newsweek, Harvard Health, Economic Times, Time Magazine, Doctor Oz, and more... So if you or a loved one are struggling with chronic illness, this might be the most important thing you’ll ever read. Because if you don’t do something about this sooner, it will come back to bite you bigger later. My experience has been that your health complaints will only get worse until your Leaky Gut is fixed.
Here’s How Leaky Gut Makes You Sick
What it does to you is this: it allows allergenic food particles, environmental chemicals, and bacterial waste to leak through your digestive tract into your body – once inside, these foreign particles trigger an aggressive immune response, promoting whole-body inflammation and jumpstarting the development of chronic disease. What’s happening is the delicate lining of your intestine is letting all the bad stuff in, and your body is breaking down from the inside out. The medical name of this hidden epidemic is: Increased Intestinal Permeability, but most people just call it “Leaky Gut.” Here’s why it’s a tricky problem: the destruction it causes depends on how long you’ve been sick, your genetics and your lifestyle choices. The confusing part is everyone can be affected differently, even inside your family it can show up differently depending on where an individual is genetically weak. This is why it stays hidden… And sadly, when it does, this condition will slowly make you sicker and have you feeling more miserable month after month and year after year.
The Hidden Signs and Symptoms Leaky Gut is Making You Sick Right Now
How Leaky Gut is Causing Your Skin Problems
In 1909, the first research paper was published talking about the connection between acne and the gut. Unfortunately, modern medicine forgot about this until all the recent research connecting leaky gut syndrome skin problems.
Recent research shows that people with conditions like Celiac Disease, Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease have an increased risk of skin problems.
One of the most common red flags for leaky gut is acne, psoriasis, rosacea, rashes, and eczema. Increased intestinal permeability (a.k.a. “leaky gut”) causes both systemic and local inflammation, which in turn contributes to skin disease. Recent research shows that people with conditions like Celiac Disease, Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease have an increased risk of skin problems, suggesting that if you are having a skin issue there is a likelihood you have a gut problem. With the skin being the largest organ in the body, all this inflammation will begin to cause an impact. It’s said that the skin is the outward expression of the gut lining.
So if there are skin issues, there are typically gut issues. The exciting thing is that studies show common leaky gut triggers like Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) are associated with a 10X increase in acne rosacea, until the SIBO is treated… then the leaky gut heals and the acne goes away. So, if you are having active skin issues, start by focusing on your gut health and over time, even as quickly as 30 days you can cool down systemic inflammation and expect your skin to improve. All this information might be new and feel overwhelming, but don’t lose hope... The first step is to put a stop to Leaky Gut.
Allergies, Eczema, Acne Gone
My daughter has dealt graciously with pet and soy allergies and eczema for years. We recently found your website. I watched your video and knew we needed to try the Reboot together. After 30 days she has seen significant improvement and is continuing with the protocol. I kicked the sugar cravings! I have less anxiety, better sleep and more energy in the afternoons.My other daughter also started Reboot and has already seen improvement with her acne! We are so thankful for your products and really appreciate your teaching, support and customer service. It is clear that you sincerely care about helping people.Blessings, Monaco, PA
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